IntroducedFeb 28, 2023
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into Law
AN ACT CONCERNING A TEMPORARY PERMIT TO CARRY A PISTOL OR REVOLVER, A RESPONSE PLAN FOR A MASS SHOOTING EVENT, AND THE POSTING OF A PERSON'S RIGHTS ASSOCIATED WITH OWNING, POSSESSING AND CARRYING A FIREARM. To: (1) Clarify language concerning the suitability of an applicant for a temporary state permit to carry a pistol or revolver; (2) require a state permit to carry a pistol or revolver be granted to an individual if a period of eight weeks passes and the permit has not been expressly denied by the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection; (3) eliminate local and state fees for the acquiring and renewal of a permit to carry a handgun or revolver, a handgun eligibility certificate, a long gun eligibility certificate and an ammunition certificate; (4) require the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection to publish a list excluding certain target shooting pistols from the provisions on assault weapons, and repeal existing regulations regarding such pistols; (5) require a mass shooting event response plan and investigations and recommendations concerning any such event; (6) allow a peace officer to carry a firearm on school grounds whether or not in the performance of official duties; (7) allow persons to carry handguns in state parks and state forests for the purpose of self-defense; (8) require the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection to pursue reciprocity agreements of out-of-state firearms licenses for locations that have a permitting system; (9) enable the purchase of ammunition without a permit from a range or club, if using such ammunition at the range or club; (10) require the posting at police stations of an individual's rights to apply for a permit to carry a pistol or revolver, the statutory time involved, the right of an applicant to file an appeal in the event of a denial of such permit and an individual's right to own, possess and carry a firearm; (11) require the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection to publish information and statistics regarding crimes and fatalities involving firearms, including, but not limited to, crimes committed by individuals with prior convictions who were prohibited from possessing a firearm and crimes committed with illegally possessed or unregistered firearms; (12) establish the castle doctrine; (13) institute a tax credit on the filing of an individual's personal income tax for the purchase of a gun safe; and (14) allow the legal transfer of an assault weapon possessed under a certificate of possession and large capacity magazines possessed under a declaration of possession between people who already legally possess such weapons or magazines.
Last Action See all actions
House • May 02, 2023: Tabled for the Calendar, House
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Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HB 6817
Whip Lists
- Judiciary Committee
YES: 30
- Winfield G
- Pavalock-D'Amato C
- Stafstrom S
- Porter R
- Flexer M
- Sampson R
- Quinn M
- Simms T
- Kissel J
- Veach D
- Fishbein C
- Walker T
- Wilson D
- Callahan P
- Currey J
- Delany H
- Dillon P
- Doucette J
- Dubitsky D
- Elliott J
- Gilchrest J
- Godfrey B
- Hall C
- Harding S
- Hayes R
- Howard G
- Labriola D
- Maher C
- O'Dea T
- Osborne M
NO: 6
- Blumenthal M
- Conley C
- Gaston H
- Johnson D
- Khan M
- Miller P
YES: 39
- Osten C
- Hoxha J
- Walker T
- Kennedy K
- Paris C
- Berthel E
- Nuccio T
- Anwar S
- McCarty K
- Baker A
- McCrory D
- Bolinsky M
- Nolan A
- Callahan P
- Porter R
- Candelaria J
- Osborne M
- Chaleski R
- Currey J
- Rosario C
- Rutigliano D
- DeCaprio M
- Ryan K
- Delany H
- Sanchez E
- Delnicki T
- Dillon P
- Simms T
- Felipe A
- Somers H
- Flexer M
- Foncello M
- Winfield G
- Garibay J
- Zawistowski T
- Gibson B
- Gordon J
- Gonzalez M
- Harrison C
NO: 13
- Johnson S
- Hartley J
- Khanna R
- Exum T
- Kushner J
- Lesser M
- Marx M
- Reyes G
- Dathan L
- Slap D
- Tercyak P
- Gilchrest J
- Haddad G
- Hall J
- May 02, 2023 | House
- Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office (LCO)
- Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office (LCO)
- No New File by Committee on Appropriations
- Tabled for the Calendar, House
- May 01, 2023 | House
- Joint Favorable (APP)
- Apr 25, 2023 | House
- Referred by House to Committee on Appropriations
- Apr 17, 2023 | House
- Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office (LCO)
- Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
- House Calendar Number 402
- File Number 635 (LCO)
- Apr 10, 2023 | House
- Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 04/17/23 12:00 PM (LCO)
- Mar 29, 2023 | House
- Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office (LCO)
- Mar 28, 2023 | House
- Joint Favorable Substitute (JUD)
- Mar 02, 2023 | House
- Public Hearing 03/06
- Feb 28, 2023 | House
- Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary