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Most tracked bills in Iowa, 2023-2024 Regular Session
A bill for an act relating to motor vehicle window tint, and making penalties applicable.(Formerly SF 350.)
Last Action
Subcommittee Meeting: 01/22/2024 2:00PM Senate Lounge.
Senate • Jan 18, 2024Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to continuity of care and nonmedical switching by health carriers, health benefit plans, and utilization review organizations, and including applicability provisions. (Formerly HF 96.)
Last Action
Subcommittee: Westrich, Klimesh, and Trone Garriott.
Senate • Jan 17, 2024Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to the protection of religious beliefs and moral convictions of health care providers and health care facilities.
Last Action
Subcommittee: J. Taylor, Schultz, and Weiner.
Senate • Jan 11, 2024Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to the removal of vehicles or debris from highways, including payment of associated costs and blue lights on involved towing or recovery vehicles.
Last Action
Subcommittee recommends passage. Vote Total: 3-0.
House • Jan 11, 2024Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to the carrying, transportation, and possession of weapons by certain persons and in certain locations, and including effective date provisions.(Formerly SSB 1168.)
Last Action
Subcommittee: Schultz, Bisignano, and Zaun.
Senate • Jan 11, 2024Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to identification markings on firearms and firearm parts, and providing penalties.
Last Action
Subcommittee: Thompson, P., Amos Jr. and Meggers.
House • Jan 10, 2024Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to education, including modifying provisions related to the number of area education agencies in this state, the duties and powers of area education agencies, area education agency boards of directors, the department of administrative services, the director of the department of education, the division of special education within the department of education, the services provided by area education agencies, area education agency funding, the calculation of the teacher salary supplement district cost per pupil, and minimum teacher salaries, and including transition, effective date, and applicability provisions.
Last Action
Subcommittee: Wheeler, Collins and Steckman.
House • Jan 10, 2024Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to the timing of physical examinations for licensed or registered child care facility personnel.(Formerly SSB 1010.)
Last Action
Referred to Health and Human Services.
Senate • Jun 05, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to the ownership of dogs, making penalties applicable, and including effective date and applicability provisions. (Formerly HSB 152.)
Last Action
Referred to State Government.
Senate • Jun 05, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to the carrying, transportation, and possession of and educational programs about weapons, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly HSB 173.)
Last Action
Referred to Judiciary.
Senate • Jun 05, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act prohibiting specified provisions in agreements between employers and certain mental health professionals and including effective date provisions. (Formerly HSB 8.) Effective date: 06/01/2023.
Last Action
Signed by Governor.
House • Jun 01, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to public assistance program oversight. (Formerly SSB 1105.) Effective date: 07/01/2023.
Last Action
Signed by Governor.
Senate • Jun 01, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to education, including modifying provisions related to comprehensive school improvement plans, teacher librarians and guidance counselors, required days or hours of instruction in elementary and secondary schools, agreements between school districts and community colleges to teach certain courses, and required courses in school districts and accredited nonpublic schools, and authorizing school districts to offer sequential units in one classroom. (Formerly SSB 1076.) Effective date: 07/01/2023.
Last Action
Signed by Governor.
Senate • May 26, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to children and students, including establishing a parent’s or guardian’s right to make decisions affecting the parent’s or guardian’s child, authorizing the parent or guardian of a student enrolled in a school district to enroll the student in another attendance center within the same school district in certain specified circumstances, prohibiting instruction related to gender identity and sexual orientation in school districts, charter schools, and innovation zone schools in kindergarten through grade six, and modifying provisions related to student health screenings, school district library programs, the educational program provided to students enrolled in school districts, accredited nonpublic schools, and charter schools, other duties of school distr...
Last Action
Signed by Governor.
Senate • May 26, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to youth employment, providing for a minor driver’s license interim study committee, and making penalties applicable. (Formerly SF 167.) Effective date: 07/01/2023.
Last Action
Signed by Governor.
Senate • May 26, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to certain specified employees of school districts, accredited nonpublic schools, and charter schools, including renewal requirements associated with licenses issued by the board of educational examiners to practitioners with master’s or doctoral degrees, fees associated with the review of certain specified records, and background checks for employees of school districts, accredited nonpublic schools, and charter schools. (Formerly HF 355, HF 224.) Effective date: 07/01/2023.
Last Action
Signed by Governor.
House • May 26, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to education programs and funding by establishing an education savings account program, modifying certain school district categorical funding supplements and supplementary weighting, making appropriations, providing penalties, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. (Formerly HSB 1.) Effective date: 01/24/2023, 07/01/2023. Applicability date: 01/01/2023.
Last Action
Fiscal note.
House • May 24, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act providing for the collaborative practice of physician assistants by allowing for the practice of certain physician assistants without supervision by a physician. (Formerly HSB 115.) Effective date: 07/01/2023.
Last Action
Signed by Governor.
House • May 10, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act prohibiting institutions of higher learning governed by the state board of regents from expending moneys to fund diversity, equity, and inclusion offices or to hire individuals to serve as diversity, equity, and inclusion officers, creating a private cause of action, and including effective date provisions.(Formerly HSB 218.)
Last Action
Rereferred to Education.
House • May 04, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to health care services and financing including nursing facility licensing and financing and the Medicaid program including third-party recovery and taxation of Medicaid managed care organization premiums, and providing for licensee discipline.(Formerly SF 462, SSB 1167.)
Last Action
Senate • Apr 26, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to contract pharmacies and covered entities that participate in the 340B drug program.(Formerly SSB 1098.)
Last Action
Senate • Apr 20, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act removing psilocybin and psilocyn from the list of substances classified as schedule I controlled substances under Iowa’s uniform controlled substances Act.
Last Action
Subcommittee recommends passage. Vote Total: 3-0.
House • Apr 11, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to the health and well-being of children and families including provisions for maternal support and fatherhood initiatives, regional centers of excellence, a state-funded family medicine obstetrics fellowship program, state employee parental leave, adoption expenses under the adoption subsidy program, and accessibility to the all Iowa scholarship program; making appropriations; and including effective date and applicability provisions.(Formerly SSB 1139.)
Last Action
Subcommittee recommends passage. [].
Senate • Apr 10, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to the Medicaid program including third-party recovery and taxation of Medicaid managed care organization premiums.(Formerly SSB 1167; See SF 567.)
Last Action
Committee report approving bill, renumbered as SF 567.
Senate • Apr 10, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to the practice of pharmacy, and providing for administrative penalties.(Formerly HSB 202.)
Last Action
Placed on calendar under unfinished business.
Senate • Apr 06, 2023Latest Version
A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to the right to reproductive care.
Last Action
Introduced, referred to Judiciary.
House • Apr 06, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to the prescribing and dispensing of self-administered hormonal contraceptives.
Last Action
Introduced, referred to Health and Human Services.
House • Apr 06, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act prohibiting a court from ordering payment of a postsecondary education subsidy for a child under a dissolution of marriage temporary order or final judgment or decree, and providing for application to existing orders, judgments, and decrees. (Formerly SF 17.)
Last Action
Subcommittee Meeting: 03/29/2023 1:00PM RM 19 (Cancelled).
House • Mar 29, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to the management of open space properties and recreational trails. (Formerly SSB 1198.)
Last Action
Subcommittee recommends passage. Vote Total: 2-1.
House • Mar 29, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to pharmacy benefits manager reverse auctions and group insurance for public employees.(See SF 554.)
Last Action
Committee report approving bill, renumbered as SF 554.
Senate • Mar 22, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to continuity of care and nonmedical switching by health carriers, health benefit plans, and utilization review organizations, and including applicability provisions.(See HF 626.)
Last Action
House • Mar 09, 2023Latest Version
Last Action
Introduced, referred to Public Safety.
House • Mar 02, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to consumer rights to repair specified goods, and providing penalties.
Last Action
Introduced, referred to Commerce.
House • Mar 02, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to care and choices at the end of life, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions.
Last Action
Introduced, referred to Health and Human Services.
House • Mar 01, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to the Medicaid program including third-party recovery and taxation of Medicaid managed care organization premiums.(See SF 462, SF 567.)
Last Action
Committee report approving bill, renumbered as SF 462.
legislature • Feb 28, 2023Latest Version
A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to marriage.
Last Action
Introduced, referred to Judiciary.
House • Feb 28, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to the Iowa human life protection Act, providing for civil actions and civil penalties, and including effective date provisions.
Last Action
Introduced, referred to Judiciary.
House • Feb 28, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to contract pharmacies and covered entities that participate in the 340B drug program.(See SF 419.)
Last Action
Committee report approving bill, renumbered as SF 419.
legislature • Feb 27, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to step therapy protocols and interchangeable biosimilars.
Last Action
Subcommittee recommends indefinite postponement. [].
Senate • Feb 23, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to contract pharmacies and covered entities that participate in the 340B drug program.(See HF 423.)
Last Action
Committee report approving bill, renumbered as HF 423.
House • Feb 22, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to firearm education in schools, including requiring the director of the department of education to develop and distribute age-appropriate model programs for firearm safety instruction and modifying provisions related to the required instruction in public schools and accredited nonpublic schools in grades six through twelve.
Last Action
Subcommittee recommends passage. Vote Total: 2-1.
House • Feb 21, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to minors present at drag shows, and providing penalties.
Last Action
Subcommittee: Schultz, Evans, and Quirmbach.
Senate • Feb 21, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act prohibiting the declawing of cats, and providing penalties.
Last Action
Subcommittee: Zumbach, Alons, and T. Taylor.
Senate • Feb 20, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act regulating consumable hemp products, including by providing for in-person, face-to-face sales, and including effective date provisions.
Last Action
Subcommittee: Schultz, Bousselot, and Celsi.
Senate • Feb 14, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to the prescribing and dispensing authority of practitioners.
Last Action
Subcommittee recommends passage. [].
Senate • Feb 08, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act prohibiting certain actions relating to abortifacient drugs in the state, and providing penalties.
Last Action
Introduced, referred to Health and Human Services.
House • Jan 30, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to continuity of care and nonmedical switching by health carriers, health benefit plans, and utilization review organizations, and including applicability provisions.
Last Action
Subcommittee recommends amendment and passage. [].
Senate • Jan 26, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to a family leave and medical leave insurance program that provides for paid, job-protected leave for certain family leave and medical leave reasons for eligible employees of specified employers.
Last Action
Subcommittee: Driscoll, Boulton, and Kraayenbrink.
Senate • Jan 23, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to marijuana, including the manufacture, delivery, and possession of marijuana and the licensure of retail marijuana, providing fees, including excise taxes, establishing funds, and including penalties.
Last Action
Subcommittee: Schultz, Dawson, and Petersen.
Senate • Jan 18, 2023Latest Version
A bill for an act relating to the siting and operation of certain wind energy conversion facilities.
Last Action
Subcommittee: Brown, Dawson, and Jochum.
Senate • Jan 10, 2023Latest Version
All Legislators in Iowa (Senator and Representative)