FACT CHECK: New Trump Campaign Ad Filled With Lies
June 9, 2020

The Trump campaign released a new campaign ad to highlight Trump’s record on the economy and his pandemic response. Considering Trump’s response was a failure and severely worsened the impacts of coronavirus on the economy, it’s no surprise that his ad is filled with many misleading claims. Here’s the truth:
“The great American comeback has begun.”
“A record 2.5 million new jobs in May and we’re just getting started.”
“Before the pandemic, President Trump made our economy the envy of the world. Now he’s doing it again.”
(B-roll of workers at Shell factory in Pennsylvania)
Reuters: “The U.S. economy has produced an average of 193,000 new jobs per month, over the past three years. But even with the benefit of Trump’s 2017 massive corporate tax rate cut, that is 14% less than the 224,000 jobs per month created during the last three years of Barack Obama’s administration”
“Bringing devastating industries back”
(with B-roll of a plane)
“Getting direct cash relief to families.”
KUDLOW: “‘We are in the camp that wants timely and targeted micro-measures,’ Kudlow told Bloomberg Television Friday. He rejected initiatives that are ‘large, sweeping, hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars that don’t affect incentives and don’t affect growth in any permanent way,’ referring to such plans as ‘budget busters.’”
KUDLOW: “We’re not going to go to the $600 [enhanced unemployment benefits]. That’s a disincentive to work, the plus up, that doesn’t work, but we’ll have a better idea.”