IntroducedJan 26, 2023
Passed SenateFeb 23, 2023
Passed HouseMar 23, 2023
Signed into Law
House Substitute for SB 113 by Committee on K-12 Education Budget - Making appropriations for the department of education for FY 23, FY 24 and FY 25; establishing the mental health intervention team program; authorizing certain students to participate in activities regulated by the Kansas state high school activities association; requiring school districts to post certain enrollment and academic information on school district websites; revising school district open-enrollment procedures; authorizing local school board members to receive compensation from their school district; authorizing current-year student enrollment for determinations of state foundation aid; continuing the 20 mill statewide tax levy for schools; amending the school districts that qualify for and the amount that school districts are able to levy pursuant to the cost-of-living weighting.
Last Action See all actions
Senate • Apr 28, 2023: The Legislature having adjourned sine die on April 28, 2023, there was no opportunity to reconsider and the line-item vetoes are sustained.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Do you support this bill?
Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on SB 113
Whip Lists
- Committee on K-12 Education Budget
YES: 38
- Alley
- Baumgardner
- Billinger
- Blasi
- Bowers
- Claeys
- Corson
- Doll
- Erickson
- Fagg
- Faust-Goudeau
- Francisco
- Gossage
- Haley
- Holland
- Kerschen
- Kloos
- Longbine
- Masterson
- McGinn
- O'Shea
- Olson
- Peck
- Petersen
- Pettey
- Pittman
- Pyle
- Reddi
- Ryckman
- Shallenburger
- Steffen
- Straub
- Sykes
- Thompson
- Tyson
- Ware
- Warren
- Wilborn
NO: 1
YES: 49
- Alcala
- Amyx
- Anderson
- Ballard
- Blew
- Boyd
- Carlin
- Carmichael
- Carr
- Curtis
- Featherston
- Haskins
- Haswood
- Helgerson
- Highberger
- Hoheisel
- Hougland
- Howe
- Hoye
- Jacobs
- Martinez
- Melton
- D.
- S.
- V.
- Murphy
- Neighbor
- Ohaebosim
- Oropeza
- Osman
- Ousley
- Owens
- Patton
- Poskin
- Probst
- Robinson
- L.
- Sawyer
- Schlingensiepen
- Stogsdill
- Tarwater
- Thomas
- Vaughn
- Weigel
- Winn
- Woodard
- Xu
NO: 72
- Awerkamp
- Barth
- Bergkamp
- Bergquist
- Blex
- Bloom
- Borjon
- Bryce
- Buehler
- Butler
- B.
- W.
- Clifford
- Collins
- Corbet
- Croft
- Delperdang
- Dodson
- Donohoe
- Droge
- Ellis
- Eplee
- Essex
- Estes
- Fairchild
- Francis
- Garber
- Gardner
- Goddard
- Goetz
- Hawkins
- Hill
- Hoffman
- Houser
- Howell
- Howerton
- Humphries
- Johnson
- Kessler
- Lewis
- Mason
- Maughan
- Minnix
- Moser
- Neelly
- Penn
- Pickert
- Proctor
- Rahjes
- Resman
- Rhiley
- Roth
- Sanders
- Schmoe
- Schreiber
- Seiwert
- A.
- C.
- E.
- Sutton
- Thompson
- Titus
- Turk
- Turner
- Underhill
- Waggoner
- Wasinger
- Waymaster
- White
- K.
- Younger
YES: 39
- Alcala
- Amyx
- Ballard
- Boyd
- Carlin
- Carmichael
- Carr
- Curtis
- Featherston
- Haskins
- Haswood
- Helgerson
- Highberger
- Hougland
- Hoye
- Martinez
- Melton
- D.
- S.
- V.
- Neighbor
- Ohaebosim
- Oropeza
- Osman
- Ousley
- Poskin
- Probst
- L.
- Sawyer
- Schlingensiepen
- Schreiber
- Stogsdill
- Vaughn
- Weigel
- Winn
- Woodard
- Xu
NO: 82
- Anderson
- Awerkamp
- Barth
- Bergkamp
- Bergquist
- Blew
- Blex
- Bloom
- Borjon
- Bryce
- Buehler
- Butler
- B.
- W.
- Clifford
- Collins
- Corbet
- Croft
- Delperdang
- Dodson
- Donohoe
- Droge
- Ellis
- Eplee
- Essex
- Estes
- Fairchild
- Francis
- Garber
- Gardner
- Goddard
- Goetz
- Hawkins
- Hill
- Hoffman
- Hoheisel
- Houser
- Howe
- Howell
- Howerton
- Humphries
- Jacobs
- Johnson
- Kessler
- Landwehr
- Lewis
- Mason
- Maughan
- Minnix
- Moser
- Murphy
- Neelly
- Owens
- Patton
- Penn
- Pickert
- Proctor
- Rahjes
- Resman
- Rhiley
- Robinson
- Roth
- Sanders
- Schmoe
- Seiwert
- A.
- C.
- E.
- Sutton
- Tarwater
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Titus
- Turk
- Turner
- Underhill
- Waggoner
- Wasinger
- Waymaster
- K.
- Younger
YES: 75
- Anderson
- Barth
- Bergkamp
- Bergquist
- Blew
- Blex
- Bryce
- Buehler
- Butler
- B.
- W.
- Clifford
- Collins
- Corbet
- Croft
- Delperdang
- Dodson
- Donohoe
- Droge
- Ellis
- Eplee
- Essex
- Estes
- Francis
- Garber
- Gardner
- Goddard
- Goetz
- Hawkins
- Hill
- Hoffman
- Hoheisel
- Howe
- Howell
- Howerton
- Humphries
- Johnson
- Kessler
- Landwehr
- Lewis
- Mason
- Maughan
- Minnix
- Moser
- Murphy
- Neelly
- Owens
- Patton
- Penn
- Pickert
- Proctor
- Rahjes
- Resman
- Rhiley
- Robinson
- Roth
- Sanders
- Schmoe
- Seiwert
- A.
- C.
- E.
- Sutton
- Tarwater
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Titus
- Turk
- Turner
- Waggoner
- Wasinger
- Waymaster
- White
- K.
- L.
NO: 48
- Alcala
- Amyx
- Awerkamp
- Ballard
- Bloom
- Borjon
- Boyd
- Carlin
- Carmichael
- Carr
- Concannon
- Curtis
- Fairchild
- Featherston
- Haskins
- Haswood
- Helgerson
- Highberger
- Hougland
- Houser
- Hoye
- Jacobs
- Martinez
- Melton
- Meyer
- D.
- S.
- V.
- Neighbor
- Ohaebosim
- Oropeza
- Osman
- Ousley
- Poskin
- Probst
- Sawyer
- Schlingensiepen
- Schreiber
- Stogsdill
- Underhill
- Weigel
- Winn
- Woodard
- Xu
- Younger
YES: 23
- Alley
- Baumgardner
- Billinger
- Blasi
- Bowers
- Claeys
- Dietrich
- Doll
- Erickson
- Fagg
- Gossage
- Kerschen
- Kloos
- Longbine
- Masterson
- McGinn
- O'Shea
- Petersen
- Pittman
- Ryckman
- Thompson
- Warren
- Wilborn
NO: 16
- Corson
- Faust-Goudeau
- Francisco
- Holland
- Holscher
- Olson
- Peck
- Pettey
- Pyle
- Reddi
- Shallenburger
- Steffen
- Straub
- Sykes
- Tyson
- Ware
YES: 83
- Anderson
- Awerkamp
- Barth
- Bergkamp
- Bergquist
- Blew
- Blex
- Bloom
- Borjon
- Bryce
- Buehler
- Butler
- B.
- W.
- Clifford
- Collins
- Concannon
- Corbet
- Croft
- Delperdang
- Dodson
- Donohoe
- Droge
- Ellis
- Eplee
- Essex
- Estes
- Fairchild
- Francis
- Garber
- Gardner
- Goddard
- Goetz
- Hawkins
- Hill
- Hoffman
- Hoheisel
- Houser
- Howe
- Howell
- Howerton
- Humphries
- Johnson
- Kessler
- Landwehr
- Lewis
- Mason
- Maughan
- Minnix
- Moser
- Murphy
- Neelly
- Owens
- Patton
- Penn
- Pickert
- Proctor
- Rahjes
- Resman
- Rhiley
- Robinson
- Roth
- Sanders
- Schmoe
- Schreiber
- Seiwert
- A.
- C.
- E.
- Sutton
- Tarwater
- Thompson
- Titus
- Turk
- Turner
- Underhill
- Waggoner
- Wasinger
- Waymaster
- White
- K.
- L.
- Younger
NO: 37
- Alcala
- Amyx
- Ballard
- Boyd
- Carmichael
- Carr
- Curtis
- Featherston
- Haskins
- Haswood
- Helgerson
- Highberger
- Hougland
- Hoye
- Jacobs
- Martinez
- Melton
- Meyer
- D.
- S.
- V.
- Ohaebosim
- Oropeza
- Osman
- Ousley
- Poskin
- Probst
- Sawyer
- Schlingensiepen
- Stogsdill
- Vaughn
- Weigel
- Winn
- Woodard
- Apr 28, 2023 | Senate
- Motion to suspend Joint Rule 4 (k) to allow consideration adopted;
- Conference Committee Report was adopted; Yea: 23 Nay: 16
- Enrolled and presented to Governor on Monday, May 8, 2023
- Approved by Governor except line item veto of 1(c); 2(a) (part); 14; 21 (part) on Thursday, May 18, 2023
- The Legislature having adjourned sine die on April 28, 2023, there was no opportunity to reconsider and the line-item vetoes are sustained.
- Apr 28, 2023 | House
- Conference committee report now available
- Motion to suspend Joint Rule 4 (k) to allow consideration adopted;
- Conference Committee Report challenged by Rep. Ousley under Joint Rule 3(f), ruled to be in order.
- Conference Committee Report was adopted; Yea: 83 Nay: 37
- Apr 27, 2023 | House
- Representative Winn is appointed to replace Representative Poskin on the Conference Committee
- Apr 24, 2023 | House
- Representative Poskin is appointed to replace Representative Winn on the Conference Committee
- Apr 06, 2023 | House
- Conference committee report now available
- Apr 06, 2023 | Senate
- Conference Committee Report agree to disagree adopted; Senator Baumgardner, Senator Erickson and Senator Sykes appointed as second conferees
- Apr 06, 2023 | House
- Conference committee report now available
- Conference Committee Report agree to disagree adopted; Representative Williams, K., Representative Landwehr and Representative Winn appointed as second conferees
- Apr 03, 2023 | House
- Motion to accede adopted; Representative Williams, K., Representative Landwehr and Representative Winn appointed as conferees
- Apr 03, 2023 | Senate
- Nonconcurred with amendments; Conference Committee requested; appointed Senator Baumgardner , Senator Erickson and Senator Sykes as conferees
- Mar 23, 2023 | House
- Final Action - Substitute passed; Yea: 75 Nay: 48
- Mar 22, 2023 | House
- Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Poskin
- Representative Landwehr challenged the amendment under the Pay-Go provision of House Rule 2110. The amendment was ruled to be out of order
- Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Poskin
- Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Poskin was rejected Yea: 39 Nay: 82
- Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Probst
- Committee of the Whole - Amendment by Representative Probst was rejected Yea: 49 Nay: 72
- Committee of the Whole - Motion to Amend - Offered by Representative Clifford
- Representative Williams, K. challenged the amendment under the Pay-Go provision of House Rule 2110. The amendment was ruled to be out of order
- Committee of the Whole - Substitute bill be passed
- Mar 15, 2023 | House
- Committee Report recommending substitute bill be passed by Committee on K-12 Education Budget
- Mar 07, 2023 | House
- Hearing: Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 3:30 PM Room 546-S
- Mar 06, 2023 | House
- Withdrawn from Committee on Health and Human Services; Referred to Committee on K-12 Education Budget
- Mar 01, 2023 | House
- Received and Introduced
- Referred to Committee on Health and Human Services
- Feb 23, 2023 | Senate
- Final Action - Passed; Yea: 38 Nay: 1
- Feb 22, 2023 | Senate
- Committee of the Whole - Be passed
- Feb 20, 2023 | Senate
- Committee Report recommending bill be passed by Committee on Public Health and Welfare
- Feb 17, 2023 | Senate
- Hearing: Friday, February 17, 2023, 8:30 AM Room 142-S
- Jan 27, 2023 | Senate
- Referred to Committee on Public Health and Welfare
- Jan 26, 2023 | Senate
- Introduced
Bill Texts
- As introducedPDF
- H Sub forPDF
- EnrolledPDF
- House Amendment -- Offered by Representative Clifford, 03/22/2023PDF
- House Amendment -- Offered by Representative Probst, 03/22/2023PDF
- House Amendment -- Offered by Representative Poskin, 03/22/2023PDF
- House Amendment -- Offered by Representative Poskin, 03/22/2023PDF
- Thu, Apr 6, 2023 - Supplementary Note
- Fri, Apr 28, 2023 - Supplementary Note
- As introduced - Supplementary Note
- As introduced - Fiscal Note
- H Sub for - Supplementary Note
- House Committee on K-12 Education Budget, Mon, Mar 13, 2023: Minutes
- House Committee on K-12 Education Budget, Mon, Mar 13, 2023: Testimony by Representative Landwehr, House of Representatives
- House Committee on K-12 Education Budget, Mon, Mar 13, 2023: Testimony by Representative Johnson, House of Representatives
- House Committee on K-12 Education Budget, Mon, Mar 13, 2023: Testimony by Representative Thomas, House of Representatives
- House Committee on K-12 Education Budget, Mon, Mar 13, 2023: Testimony by Representative Garber, House of Representatives
- House Committee on K-12 Education Budget, Tue, Mar 7, 2023: Minutes
- House Committee on K-12 Education Budget, Tue, Mar 7, 2023: Testimony by Gregory Greco, American Society of Plastic Surgeons
- House Committee on K-12 Education Budget, Fri, Feb 17, 2023: Minutes
- House Committee on K-12 Education Budget, Fri, Feb 17, 2023: Testimony by Dr. Laura Rues, President, KS Naturopathic Doctors Assoc.
- Conference Committee Report
- Conference Committee Report
- Conference Committee Report
- Committee Report recommending substitute bill be passed by Committee on K-12 Education Budget
- Committee Report recommending bill be passed by Committee on Public Health and Welfare