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  • Introduced
    Jun 26, 2023
  • Passed House
  • Passed Senate
  • Signed into Law
HD 4420
Massachusetts House Bill
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An Act modernizing firearm laws
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Senate • Jul 10, 2023: Senate NON-concurred in the reference to the committee on The Judiciary and referred to the committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security
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Comments on HD 4420

Angel Vazquez wrote 4 months ago

First of all the bill is unconstitutional you already infringing on our rights by having us register all our firearms what's that goes against the the constitutional you're not making it hard for the criminals to get any firearms because that's what they do you're only making it harder for the law abiding citizens and the police officers we are all already outgunned by the criminals do not pass this bill all you're doing is infringing on our rights
Mike Menard wrote 6 months ago

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed gun control measures outlined in House Bill HD. 4420 currently under consideration. As a concerned citizen and advocate for the preservation of our constitutional rights, I believe it is essential to voice my concerns regarding the potential negative impact these measures may have on law-abiding citizens. First and foremost, I want to emphasize the importance of the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, which guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms. The proposed bill appears to undermine this fundamental right by creating restrictions that would turn thousands of law abiding gun owners into felons overnight. It is crucial to recognize that responsible gun ownership is a cornerstone of our democratic society, allowing citizens to protect themselves, their families, and their property. Furthermore, I am concerned that the proposed bill does not adequately address the root causes of gun violence and instead imposes burdensome restrictions on law-abiding citizens. We must focus our efforts on addressing mental health issues, improving access to quality education, and promoting community-based initiatives to prevent crime. Merely increasing regulations on law-abiding gun owners disproportionately affects those who adhere to the law, while criminals will continue to find ways to obtain firearms illegally. It is also worth noting that Massachusetts already has some of the strictest gun control measures in the country. These existing laws have not only infringed upon the rights of law-abiding citizens but have also failed to effectively curb criminal activity. Instead of burdening responsible gun owners with additional regulations, we should focus on enforcing existing laws to prevent firearms from falling into the wrong hands and ensuring effective penalties for those who commit crimes using firearms. Moreover, I believe that the proposed bill overlooks the importance of self-defense and personal safety. Firearms provide an equalizing force for individuals who may be physically vulnerable, allowing them to protect themselves from harm. By limiting access to firearms and imposing additional hurdles on law-abiding citizens, we risk compromising the ability of individuals to defend themselves and their loved ones in dangerous situations. Lastly, I would like to draw attention to the potential unintended consequences of stricter gun control measures. Studies have shown that areas with more restrictive gun laws often experience an increase in violent crime rates, as criminals are emboldened by the knowledge that law-abiding citizens are less likely to be armed. It is crucial to consider the potential impact on public safety and the individual's ability to protect themselves when evaluating proposed gun control measures. In conclusion, I respectfully urge you to oppose any additional gun control measures outlined in House Bill HD. 4420. It is important to safeguard the rights of law-abiding citizens, preserve our constitutional liberties, and focus our efforts on addressing the root causes of violence. I trust that you will take into consideration the concerns expressed by your constituents and act in their best interests. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to further discuss this issue if you deem it appropriate. It is through open dialogue and collaboration that we can find effective and balanced solutions to the challenges we face as a society.
Judith Gianareles wrote 3 months ago

I've already made my opinion clear to all my legislators. This is an overreach and an attempt to destroy our 2nd Amendment and our Constitution. Over 90% of crimes and shootings are done by illegal gun owners. Start going after the criminals for a change and not the legal and law abiding gun owners.


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  • Jul 10, 2023 | Senate
    • Joint Rule 12 suspended
    • Senate NON-concurred in the reference to the committee on The Judiciary and referred to the committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security
  • Jun 26, 2023 | House
    • Referred to the committee on House Rules, reported, referred to the committee on Joint Rules, reported, rules suspended and referred to the committee on The Judiciary
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