IntroducedJan 10, 2023
Passed LegislatureMay 25, 2023
Signed into LawMay 31, 2023
Adopt the School District Property Tax Limitation Act, change levying authority and provide aid to community college areas, and change provisions relating to the Tax Equalization and Review Commission and property and income taxes
Last Action See all actions
Legislature • Jun 01, 2023: Provisions/portions of LB783 amended into LB243 by AM977
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Do you support this bill?
Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on LB 243
Whip Lists
YES: 0
NO: 45
- Albrecht
- Arch
- Armendariz
- Ballard
- Blood
- Bostar
- Bostelman
- Brandt
- Brewer
- Briese
- Cavanaugh, J.
- Cavanaugh, M.
- Clements
- Conrad
- DeBoer
- DeKay
- Dorn
- Dover
- Dungan
- Erdman
- Fredrickson
- Geist
- Halloran
- Hansen
- Hardin
- Holdcroft
- Hughes
- Ibach
- Jacobson
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- McDonnell
- McKinney
- Moser
- Murman
- Raybould
- Riepe
- Sanders
- Slama
- von Gillern
- Walz
- Wayne
- Wishart
YES: 41
- Aguilar
- Albrecht
- Arch
- Armendariz
- Ballard
- Blood
- Bostar
- Bostelman
- Brandt
- Brewer
- Briese
- Clements
- Conrad
- Day
- DeKay
- Dorn
- Dover
- Erdman
- Fredrickson
- Geist
- Halloran
- Hansen
- Hardin
- Holdcroft
- Hughes
- Ibach
- Jacobson
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- McDonnell
- Moser
- Murman
- Raybould
- Riepe
- Sanders
- Slama
- Vargas
- von Gillern
- Wishart
NO: 1
YES: 43
- Aguilar
- Albrecht
- Arch
- Armendariz
- Ballard
- Bostar
- Bostelman
- Brandt
- Brewer
- Briese
- Clements
- Conrad
- Day
- DeKay
- Dorn
- Dover
- Dungan
- Erdman
- Fredrickson
- Geist
- Halloran
- Hansen
- Hardin
- Holdcroft
- Hughes
- Ibach
- Jacobson
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- McDonnell
- McKinney
- Moser
- Murman
- Raybould
- Riepe
- Sanders
- Slama
- Vargas
- von Gillern
- Walz
- Wishart
NO: 0
YES: 7
NO: 36
- Albrecht
- Arch
- Armendariz
- Ballard
- Blood
- Bostar
- Bostelman
- Brandt
- Brewer
- Briese
- Cavanaugh, J.
- Clements
- Conrad
- DeKay
- Dorn
- Dover
- Dungan
- Fredrickson
- Geist
- Halloran
- Hansen
- Holdcroft
- Hughes
- Hunt
- Ibach
- Jacobson
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- McKinney
- Moser
- Murman
- Riepe
- Sanders
- von Gillern
YES: 1
NO: 26
- Arch
- Ballard
- Bosn
- Bostar
- Bostelman
- Brewer
- Briese
- Clements
- DeKay
- Dorn
- Dover
- Dungan
- Fredrickson
- Hansen
- Hardin
- Holdcroft
- Ibach
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- Murman
- Riepe
- Sanders
- Vargas
- von Gillern
YES: 41
- Aguilar
- Arch
- Armendariz
- Ballard
- Blood
- Bosn
- Bostar
- Brandt
- Brewer
- Briese
- Clements
- Conrad
- Day
- DeKay
- Dorn
- Dover
- Erdman
- Fredrickson
- Halloran
- Hansen
- Hardin
- Holdcroft
- Hughes
- Ibach
- Jacobson
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- McDonnell
- Moser
- Murman
- Raybould
- Riepe
- Sanders
- Slama
- Vargas
- von Gillern
- Walz
- Wayne
- Wishart
NO: 0
YES: 44
- Aguilar
- Arch
- Armendariz
- Ballard
- Blood
- Bosn
- Bostar
- Bostelman
- Brandt
- Brewer
- Briese
- Clements
- Conrad
- Day
- DeBoer
- DeKay
- Dorn
- Dover
- Dungan
- Erdman
- Fredrickson
- Halloran
- Hansen
- Hardin
- Holdcroft
- Hughes
- Ibach
- Jacobson
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- McDonnell
- Moser
- Murman
- Raybould
- Riepe
- Sanders
- Slama
- Vargas
- von Gillern
- Walz
- Wayne
- Wishart
NO: 1
YES: 1
NO: 35
- Aguilar
- Arch
- Ballard
- Blood
- Bosn
- Bostar
- Bostelman
- Brandt
- Brewer
- Briese
- Cavanaugh, J.
- Clements
- Conrad
- DeKay
- Dorn
- Dungan
- Erdman
- Halloran
- Hardin
- Holdcroft
- Hughes
- Ibach
- Jacobson
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- McDonnell
- Moser
- Murman
- Riepe
- Sanders
- Slama
- von Gillern
- Wishart
YES: 44
- Aguilar
- Albrecht
- Arch
- Armendariz
- Ballard
- Blood
- Bosn
- Bostar
- Bostelman
- Brandt
- Briese
- Cavanaugh, J.
- Clements
- Conrad
- Day
- DeBoer
- DeKay
- Dorn
- Dover
- Dungan
- Erdman
- Fredrickson
- Halloran
- Hansen
- Hardin
- Holdcroft
- Hughes
- Ibach
- Jacobson
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- McDonnell
- Moser
- Murman
- Riepe
- Sanders
- Slama
- Vargas
- von Gillern
- Walz
- Wayne
- Wishart
NO: 0
- Jun 01, 2023 | Legislature
- Provisions/portions of LB28 amended into LB243 by AM977
- Provisions/portions of LB242 amended into LB243 by AM977
- Provisions/portions of LB309 amended into LB243 by AM977
- Provisions/portions of LB589 amended into LB243 by AM977
- Provisions/portions of LB783 amended into LB243 by AM977
- May 31, 2023 | executive
- Approved by Governor on May 31, 2023
- May 25, 2023 | executive
- Presented to Governor on May 25, 2023
- May 25, 2023 | Legislature
- Cavanaugh, M. MO170 withdrawn
- Cavanaugh, M. MO165 withdrawn
- Briese MO1041 withdrawn
- Cavanaugh, M. FA113 withdrawn
- Briese FA115 withdrawn
- Dispensing of reading at large approved
- Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 44-0-5
- President/Speaker signed
- May 18, 2023 | Legislature
- Placed on Final Reading with ST17
- Enrollment and Review ST17 filed
- Enrollment and Review ST17 recorded
- May 11, 2023 | Legislature
- Cavanaugh, M. MO1043 failed
- Cavanaugh, M. MO168 withdrawn
- Cavanaugh, M. FA104 withdrawn
- Cavanaugh, M. FA105 withdrawn
- Cavanaugh, M. FA106 withdrawn
- Cavanaugh, M. AM1432 withdrawn
- Cavanaugh, M. MO167 withdrawn
- Enrollment and Review ER21 adopted
- Briese MO1042 withdrawn
- Briese MO176 withdrawn
- Briese MO1040 withdrawn
- Briese FA18 withdrawn
- Briese FA28 withdrawn
- Briese MO1052 Invoke cloture pursuant to Rule 7, Sec. 10 filed
- Briese MO1052 prevailed
- Briese AM1743 adopted
- Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment
- Briese FA115 filed
- May 10, 2023 | Legislature
- Cavanaugh, M. FA113 filed
- Cavanaugh, M. MO169 failed
- Cavanaugh, M. AM1432 filed
- Briese AM1743 filed
- Briese MO1040 Bracket until May 16, 2023. filed
- Briese MO1041 Recommit to the Revenue Committee. filed
- Briese MO1042 Indefinitely postpone filed
- Cavanaugh, M. MO1043 Reconsider the vote on MO169. filed
- May 09, 2023 | Legislature
- Cavanaugh, M. FA104 filed
- Cavanaugh, M. FA105 filed
- Cavanaugh, M. FA106 filed
- Apr 11, 2023 | Legislature
- Placed on Select File with ER21
- Enrollment and Review ER21 filed
- Apr 03, 2023 | Legislature
- Cavanaugh, M. MO166 failed
- Briese MO175 withdrawn
- DeBoer AM1090 lost
- Cavanaugh, M. MO888 Reconsider the vote taken on AM1090 filed
- Cavanaugh, M. MO888 failed
- Blood AM1117 filed
- Blood AM1117 lost
- Cavanaugh, J. AM1118 filed
- Cavanaugh, J. AM1118 lost
- Cavanaugh, J. AM1115 filed
- Cavanaugh, J. AM1115 lost
- Revenue AM977 adopted
- Briese MO174 withdrawn
- Cavanaugh, M. AM1134 filed
- Briese MO891 Invoke cloture pursuant to Rule 7, Sec. 10 filed
- Briese MO891 prevailed
- Cavanaugh, M. AM1134 lost
- Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial
- Mar 31, 2023 | Legislature
- Cavanaugh, M. MO164 withdrawn
- Erdman AM1079 adopted
- Hunt AM1077 lost
- DeBoer AM1090 filed
- Lippincott name added
- Mar 30, 2023 | Legislature
- Erdman AM1079 filed
- Hunt AM1077 filed
- Ballard name added
- Mar 29, 2023 | Legislature
- Cavanaugh, M. MO164 Indefinitely postpone pursuant to Rule 6 Section 3(f) filed
- Cavanaugh, M. MO167 Indefinitely postpone filed
- Cavanaugh, M. MO165 Recommit to Revenue Committee filed
- Cavanaugh, M. MO168 Recommit to Revenue Committee filed
- Cavanaugh, M. MO170 Recommit to Revenue Committee filed
- Cavanaugh, M. MO166 Bracket until June 1, 2023 filed
- Cavanaugh, M. MO169 Bracket until June 2, 2023 filed
- Briese MO174 Indefinitely postpone filed
- Briese MO175 Recommit to Revenue Committee filed
- Briese MO176 Bracket until May 30, 2023 filed
- Mar 28, 2023 | Legislature
- Placed on General File with AM977
- Revenue AM977 filed
- Mar 15, 2023 | Legislature
- Briese FA28 filed
- Mar 14, 2023 | Legislature
- Briese priority bill
- Feb 08, 2023 | Legislature
- Briese FA18 filed
- Feb 01, 2023 | Legislature
- Notice of hearing for February 09, 2023
- Jan 12, 2023 | Legislature
- Referred to Revenue Committee
- Jan 10, 2023 | Legislature
- Date of introduction
Bill Texts
- Statement of Intent
- Committee Statement
- Fiscal Note
- View All Recorded Votes
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- BriesePDF
- BriesePDF
- BriesePDF
- BriesePDF
- BriesePDF
- BriesePDF
- BriesePDF
- BriesePDF
- BriesePDF
- BriesePDF
- BriesePDF
- BriesePDF
- Enrollment and ReviewPDF
- Enrollment and ReviewPDF
- RevenuePDF
- Cavanaugh, J.PDF
- Cavanaugh, J.PDF
- BloodPDF
- DeBoerPDF
- HuntPDF
- ErdmanPDF