IntroducedJan 18, 2023
Passed LegislatureApr 04, 2023
Signed into LawMay 30, 2023
Adopt the Opportunity Scholarships Act and provide tax credits
Last Action See all actions
executive • May 30, 2023: Approved by Governor on May 30, 2023
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Do you support this bill?
Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on LB 753
Whip Lists
YES: 3
NO: 42
- Albrecht
- Arch
- Armendariz
- Ballard
- Bostelman
- Brandt
- Brewer
- Briese
- Clements
- Conrad
- DeBoer
- DeKay
- Dorn
- Dover
- Dungan
- Erdman
- Fredrickson
- Geist
- Halloran
- Hansen
- Hardin
- Holdcroft
- Hughes
- Hunt
- Ibach
- Jacobson
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- McDonnell
- McKinney
- Moser
- Murman
- Riepe
- Sanders
- Slama
- Vargas
- von Gillern
- Walz
- Wayne
- Wishart
YES: 31
- Albrecht
- Arch
- Armendariz
- Ballard
- Bostelman
- Brewer
- Briese
- Clements
- DeKay
- Dover
- Erdman
- Geist
- Halloran
- Hansen
- Hardin
- Holdcroft
- Ibach
- Jacobson
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- McDonnell
- McKinney
- Moser
- Murman
- Riepe
- Sanders
- Slama
- von Gillern
- Wayne
NO: 12
YES: 33
- Albrecht
- Arch
- Armendariz
- Ballard
- Bostelman
- Brewer
- Briese
- Clements
- DeKay
- Dorn
- Dover
- Erdman
- Geist
- Halloran
- Hansen
- Hardin
- Holdcroft
- Hughes
- Ibach
- Jacobson
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- McDonnell
- McKinney
- Moser
- Murman
- Riepe
- Sanders
- Slama
- von Gillern
- Wayne
NO: 12
YES: 33
- Aguilar
- Albrecht
- Arch
- Armendariz
- Ballard
- Bosn
- Bostelman
- Brewer
- Briese
- Clements
- DeKay
- Dover
- Erdman
- Halloran
- Hansen
- Hardin
- Holdcroft
- Hughes
- Ibach
- Jacobson
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- McDonnell
- McKinney
- Moser
- Murman
- Riepe
- Sanders
- Slama
- von Gillern
- Wayne
NO: 11
YES: 34
- Aguilar
- Albrecht
- Arch
- Armendariz
- Ballard
- Bosn
- Bostelman
- Brewer
- Briese
- Clements
- DeKay
- Dover
- Erdman
- Halloran
- Hansen
- Hardin
- Holdcroft
- Hughes
- Ibach
- Jacobson
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- McDonnell
- McKinney
- Moser
- Murman
- Raybould
- Riepe
- Sanders
- Slama
- von Gillern
- Wayne
NO: 9
YES: 3
NO: 33
- Aguilar
- Albrecht
- Arch
- Armendariz
- Bostelman
- Brandt
- Brewer
- Briese
- Clements
- DeKay
- Dorn
- Dover
- Erdman
- Halloran
- Hansen
- Hardin
- Holdcroft
- Hughes
- Ibach
- Jacobson
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- McDonnell
- McKinney
- Moser
- Murman
- Riepe
- Sanders
- Slama
- von Gillern
- Wayne
YES: 7
NO: 35
- Aguilar
- Albrecht
- Arch
- Armendariz
- Ballard
- Bosn
- Bostelman
- Brandt
- Brewer
- Briese
- Clements
- DeKay
- Dorn
- Dover
- Erdman
- Halloran
- Hansen
- Hardin
- Holdcroft
- Hughes
- Ibach
- Jacobson
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- McDonnell
- Moser
- Murman
- Riepe
- Sanders
- Slama
- von Gillern
- Walz
- Wayne
YES: 33
- Aguilar
- Albrecht
- Arch
- Armendariz
- Ballard
- Bosn
- Bostelman
- Brewer
- Briese
- Clements
- DeKay
- Dover
- Erdman
- Halloran
- Hansen
- Hardin
- Holdcroft
- Hughes
- Ibach
- Jacobson
- Kauth
- Linehan
- Lippincott
- Lowe
- McDonnell
- McKinney
- Moser
- Murman
- Riepe
- Sanders
- Slama
- von Gillern
- Wayne
NO: 11
- May 30, 2023 | executive
- Approved by Governor on May 30, 2023
- May 24, 2023 | executive
- Presented to Governor on May 24, 2023
- May 24, 2023 | Legislature
- Linehan MO1145 Invoke cloture pursuant to Rule 7, Sec. 10 filed
- Linehan MO1145 prevailed
- Hunt MO826 failed
- Dispensing of reading at large approved
- Passed on Final Reading 33-11-5
- President/Speaker signed
- Apr 18, 2023 | Legislature
- Placed on Final Reading
- Apr 13, 2023 | Legislature
- MO822 pending
- Hunt MO822 failed
- Cavanaugh, M. MO941 Reconsider the vote taken on MO822 filed
- Cavanaugh, M. MO941 withdrawn
- Hunt MO821 withdrawn
- Hunt MO820 withdrawn
- Hunt MO824 withdrawn
- Hunt MO825 withdrawn
- Cavanaugh, J. AM739 withdrawn
- Raybould AM1233 lost
- Raybould FA41 withdrawn
- Linehan MO942 Invoke cloture pursuant to Rule 7, Sec. 10 filed
- Linehan MO942 prevailed
- Linehan AM1253 adopted
- Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment
- Apr 12, 2023 | Legislature
- Raybould FA41 filed
- Bosn name added
- Apr 11, 2023 | Legislature
- Linehan AM1253 filed
- Apr 06, 2023 | Legislature
- Raybould AM1233 filed
- Apr 04, 2023 | Legislature
- Passed over
- Mar 31, 2023 | Legislature
- Hunt MO820 Indefinitely postpone pursuant to Rule 6 Section 3(f) filed
- Hunt MO823 Indefinitely postpone filed
- Hunt MO821 Recommit to Revenue Committee filed
- Hunt MO824 Recommit to Revenue Committee filed
- Hunt MO826 Recommit to Revenue Committee filed
- Hunt MO822 Bracket until June 1, 2023 filed
- Hunt MO825 Bracket until June 2, 2023 filed
- Mar 13, 2023 | Legislature
- Placed on Select File
- Mar 08, 2023 | Legislature
- Cavanaugh, M. MO59 Bracket until May 22, 2023 filed
- Linehan MO61 Invoke cloture pursuant to Rule 7, Sec. 10 filed
- Linehan MO61 prevailed
- Cavanaugh, M. MO59 failed
- Hunt AM507 lost
- Revenue AM338 adopted
- Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial
- Cavanaugh, J. AM739 filed
- Mar 07, 2023 | Legislature
- Cavanaugh, J. AM353 withdrawn
- AM507 pending
- Cavanaugh, J. FA27 filed
- Mar 06, 2023 | Legislature
- AM353 pending
- Feb 28, 2023 | Legislature
- Linehan priority bill
- Feb 24, 2023 | Legislature
- Cavanaugh, J. AM559 filed
- Feb 23, 2023 | Legislature
- Hunt AM507 filed
- Feb 13, 2023 | Legislature
- Cavanaugh, J. AM353 filed
- Feb 10, 2023 | Legislature
- Placed on General File with AM338
- Revenue AM338 filed
- Feb 02, 2023 | Legislature
- Linehan FA11 filed
- Jan 26, 2023 | Legislature
- Notice of hearing for February 03, 2023
- Jan 25, 2023 | Legislature
- Hunt AM87 filed
- Jan 20, 2023 | Legislature
- Referred to Revenue Committee
- Jan 18, 2023 | Legislature
- Date of introduction
Bill Texts
- Statement of Intent
- Committee Statement
- Fiscal Note
- View All Recorded Votes
- LinehanPDF
- LinehanPDF
- LinehanPDF
- LinehanPDF
- LinehanPDF
- HuntPDF
- HuntPDF
- HuntPDF
- HuntPDF
- HuntPDF
- HuntPDF
- HuntPDF
- HuntPDF
- HuntPDF
- Cavanaugh, J.PDF
- Cavanaugh, J.PDF
- Cavanaugh, J.PDF
- Cavanaugh, J.PDF
- RaybouldPDF
- RaybouldPDF
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- Cavanaugh, M.PDF
- RevenuePDF