IntroducedMar 12, 2021
Passed House
Passed Senate
Signed into LawApr 14, 2021
To prevent across-the-board direct spending cuts, and for other purposes.
Last Action See all actions
House • Apr 14, 2021: Became Public Law No: 117-7.
Latest Bill Text See all bill texts
Do you support this bill?
Official Summary/Bill Text
Comments on HR 1868
Whip Lists
- Rep. Pallone, Frank, Jr.
YES: 202
- Aderholt
- Allen
- Amodei
- Armstrong
- Arrington
- Babin
- Bacon
- Baird
- Balderson
- Banks
- Barr
- Bentz
- Bergman
- Stephanie Bice
- Biggs
- Bilirakis
- Dan Bishop
- Boebert
- Bost
- Brooks
- Buchanan
- Buck
- Bucshon
- Budd
- Burchett
- Burgess
- Calvert
- Cammack
- Carl
- Earl Carter
- John Carter
- Cawthorn
- Chabot
- Cheney
- Cline
- Cloud
- Clyde
- Cole
- Comer
- Crawford
- Crenshaw
- Curtis
- Davidson
- Davis, Rodney
- DesJarlais
- Diaz-Balart
- Donalds
- Duncan
- Dunn
- Emmer
- Estes
- Fallon
- Feenstra
- Ferguson
- Fischbach
- Fitzgerald
- Fitzpatrick
- Fleischmann
- Fortenberry
- Foxx
- Franklin, C. Scott
- Fulcher
- Gaetz
- Gallagher
- Garbarino
- Mike Garcia
- Gibbs
- Gimenez
- Gonzales, Tony
- Anthony Gonzalez
- Robert Good
- Lance Gooden
- Gosar
- Granger
- Garret Graves
- Sam Graves
- Mark Green
- Marjorie Greene
- Griffith
- Grothman
- Guest
- Guthrie
- Hagedorn
- Harris
- Harshbarger
- Hartzler
- Hern
- Herrell
- Herrera Beutler
- Jody Hice
- Clay Higgins
- Hill
- Hinson
- Hollingsworth
- Hudson
- Huizenga
- Issa
- Jackson
- Chris Jacobs
- Mike Johnson
- Bill Johnson
- Dusty Johnson
- Jordan
- David Joyce
- John Joyce
- Katko
- Keller
- Trent Kelly
- Mike Kelly
- Young Kim
- Kustoff
- LaHood
- LaMalfa
- Lamborn
- Latta
- LaTurner
- Lesko
- Long
- Loudermilk
- Luetkemeyer
- Mace
- Malliotakis
- Mann
- Massie
- Mast
- McCarthy
- McCaul
- McClain
- McClintock
- McKinley
- Meijer
- Meuser
- Mary Miller
- Carol Miller
- Miller-Meeks
- Moolenaar
- Mooney
- Barry Moore
- Blake Moore
- Mullin
- Gregory Murphy
- Nehls
- Newhouse
- Norman
- Obernolte
- Owens
- Palazzo
- Palmer
- Pence
- Perry
- Pfluger
- Posey
- Reed
- Reschenthaler
- Tom Rice
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers
- Mike Rogers
- Harold Rogers
- Rose
- Rosendale
- Rouzer
- Rutherford
- Salazar
- Scalise
- Schweikert
- Scott, Austin
- Sessions
- Simpson
- Jason Smith
- Adrian Smith
- Christopher Smith
- Smucker
- Spartz
- Stauber
- Steel
- Stefanik
- Steil
- Steube
- Stewart
- Stivers
- Taylor
- Tenney
- Glenn Thompson
- Tiffany
- Timmons
- Turner
- Upton
- Valadao
- Van Drew
- Van Duyne
- Wagner
- Walberg
- Walorski
- Waltz
- Randy Weber
- Daniel Webster
- Wenstrup
- Westerman
- Roger Williams
- Wittman
- Womack
- Zeldin
NO: 216
- Adams
- Aguilar
- Allred
- Auchincloss
- Axne
- Barragán
- Bass
- Beatty
- Bera
- Beyer
- Sanford Bishop
- Blumenauer
- Blunt Rochester
- Bonamici
- Bourdeaux
- Bowman
- Boyle, Brendan F.
- Brown
- Brownley
- Bush
- Bustos
- Butterfield
- Carbajal
- Cárdenas
- Carson
- Cartwright
- Case
- Casten
- Kathy Castor
- Joaquin Castro
- Chu
- Cicilline
- Katherine Clark
- Yvette Clarke
- Cleaver
- Clyburn
- Cohen
- Connolly
- Cooper
- Correa
- Costa
- Courtney
- Craig
- Crist
- Crow
- Cuellar
- Sharice Davids
- Davis, Danny K.
- Dean
- DeFazio
- DeGette
- DeLauro
- DelBene
- Delgado
- Demings
- DeSaulnier
- Deutch
- Dingell
- Doggett
- Doyle, Michael F.
- Escobar
- Eshoo
- Espaillat
- Evans
- Fletcher
- Foster
- Frankel, Lois
- Gallego
- Garamendi
- Jesús GarcÃa
- Sylvia Garcia
- Golden
- Gomez
- Gottheimer
- Al Green
- Grijalva
- Josh Harder
- Hastings
- Hayes
- Brian Higgins
- Himes
- Horsford
- Houlahan
- Huffman
- Jackson Lee
- Sara Jacobs
- Jayapal
- Jeffries
- Henry Johnson
- Eddie Johnson
- Jones
- Kahele
- Kaptur
- Keating
- Robin Kelly
- Khanna
- Kildee
- Kilmer
- Andy Kim
- Kind
- Kirkpatrick
- Krishnamoorthi
- Kuster
- Lamb
- Langevin
- Rick Larsen
- John Larson
- Lawrence
- Al Lawson
- Barbara Lee
- Susie Lee
- Leger Fernandez
- Mike Levin
- Andy Levin
- Lieu
- Lofgren
- Lowenthal
- Luria
- Lynch
- Malinowski
- Maloney, Carolyn B.
- Maloney, Sean
- Manning
- Matsui
- McBath
- McCollum
- McEachin
- McGovern
- McNerney
- Meeks
- Meng
- Mfume
- Gwen Moore
- Morelle
- Moulton
- Mrvan
- Stephanie Murphy
- Nadler
- Napolitano
- Neal
- Neguse
- Newman
- Norcross
- O'Halleran
- Ocasio-Cortez
- Omar
- Pallone
- Panetta
- Pappas
- Pascrell
- Payne
- Perlmutter
- Peters
- Phillips
- Pingree
- Pocan
- Porter
- Pressley
- David Price
- Quigley
- Raskin
- Kathleen Rice
- Ross
- Roybal-Allard
- Ruiz
- Ruppersberger
- Rush
- Ryan
- Sánchez
- Sarbanes
- Scanlon
- Schakowsky
- Schiff
- Schneider
- Schrader
- Schrier
- Robert Scott
- Scott, David
- Sewell
- Sherman
- Sherrill
- Sires
- Slotkin
- Adam Smith
- Soto
- Spanberger
- Speier
- Stanton
- Stevens
- Strickland
- Suozzi
- Swalwell
- Takano
- Mike Thompson
- Bennie Thompson
- Titus
- Tlaib
- Tonko
- Norma Torres
- Ritchie Torres
- Trahan
- Trone
- Underwood
- Vargas
- Veasey
- Vela
- Velázquez
- Wasserman Schultz
- Waters
- Watson Coleman
- Welch
- Wexton
- Wild
- Nikema Williams
- Frederica Wilson
- Yarmuth
YES: 246
- Adams
- Aguilar
- Allred
- Auchincloss
- Axne
- Bacon
- Barragán
- Bass
- Beatty
- Bera
- Bergman
- Beyer
- Bilirakis
- Sanford Bishop
- Blumenauer
- Blunt Rochester
- Bonamici
- Bourdeaux
- Bowman
- Boyle, Brendan F.
- Brown
- Brownley
- Buchanan
- Bush
- Bustos
- Butterfield
- Carbajal
- Cárdenas
- Carson
- Cartwright
- Case
- Casten
- Kathy Castor
- Joaquin Castro
- Chu
- Cicilline
- Katherine Clark
- Yvette Clarke
- Cleaver
- Clyburn
- Cohen
- Connolly
- Cooper
- Correa
- Costa
- Courtney
- Craig
- Crist
- Crow
- Cuellar
- Sharice Davids
- Davidson
- Davis, Danny K.
- Dean
- DeFazio
- DeGette
- DeLauro
- DelBene
- Delgado
- Demings
- DeSaulnier
- Deutch
- Dingell
- Doggett
- Doyle, Michael F.
- Dunn
- Escobar
- Eshoo
- Espaillat
- Evans
- Fitzpatrick
- Fleischmann
- Fletcher
- Fortenberry
- Foster
- Frankel, Lois
- Gallego
- Garamendi
- Garbarino
- Mike Garcia
- Jesús GarcÃa
- Sylvia Garcia
- Gimenez
- Golden
- Gomez
- Gonzalez, Vicente
- Gottheimer
- Al Green
- Grijalva
- Josh Harder
- Hastings
- Hayes
- Herrera Beutler
- Brian Higgins
- Himes
- Horsford
- Houlahan
- Huffman
- Jackson Lee
- Sara Jacobs
- Chris Jacobs
- Jayapal
- Jeffries
- Henry Johnson
- Eddie Johnson
- Jones
- Kahele
- Kaptur
- Katko
- Keating
- Robin Kelly
- Khanna
- Kildee
- Kilmer
- Young Kim
- Andy Kim
- Kind
- Kirkpatrick
- Krishnamoorthi
- Kuster
- Lamb
- Langevin
- Rick Larsen
- John Larson
- Lawrence
- Al Lawson
- Barbara Lee
- Susie Lee
- Leger Fernandez
- Mike Levin
- Andy Levin
- Lieu
- Lofgren
- Lowenthal
- Luria
- Lynch
- Malinowski
- Malliotakis
- Maloney, Carolyn B.
- Maloney, Sean
- Manning
- Matsui
- McBath
- McCollum
- McEachin
- McGovern
- McKinley
- McNerney
- Meeks
- Meng
- Mfume
- Miller-Meeks
- Gwen Moore
- Morelle
- Moulton
- Mrvan
- Stephanie Murphy
- Nadler
- Napolitano
- Neal
- Neguse
- Newhouse
- Newman
- Norcross
- O'Halleran
- Ocasio-Cortez
- Omar
- Pallone
- Panetta
- Pappas
- Pascrell
- Payne
- Perlmutter
- Peters
- Phillips
- Pingree
- Pocan
- Porter
- Pressley
- David Price
- Quigley
- Raskin
- Kathleen Rice
- Harold Rogers
- Ross
- Roybal-Allard
- Ruiz
- Ruppersberger
- Rush
- Ryan
- Salazar
- Sánchez
- Sarbanes
- Scanlon
- Schakowsky
- Schiff
- Schneider
- Schrader
- Schrier
- Robert Scott
- Scott, David
- Sewell
- Sherman
- Sherrill
- Sires
- Slotkin
- Christopher Smith
- Adam Smith
- Soto
- Spanberger
- Speier
- Stanton
- Stauber
- Stefanik
- Stevens
- Strickland
- Suozzi
- Swalwell
- Takano
- Tenney
- Mike Thompson
- Bennie Thompson
- Titus
- Tlaib
- Tonko
- Norma Torres
- Ritchie Torres
- Trahan
- Trone
- Underwood
- Upton
- Valadao
- Van Drew
- Vargas
- Veasey
- Vela
- Velázquez
- Wasserman Schultz
- Waters
- Watson Coleman
- Welch
- Wexton
- Wild
- Nikema Williams
- Frederica Wilson
- Yarmuth
NO: 175
- Aderholt
- Allen
- Amodei
- Armstrong
- Arrington
- Babin
- Baird
- Balderson
- Banks
- Barr
- Bentz
- Stephanie Bice
- Biggs
- Dan Bishop
- Boebert
- Bost
- Brooks
- Buck
- Bucshon
- Budd
- Burchett
- Burgess
- Calvert
- Cammack
- Carl
- Earl Carter
- John Carter
- Cawthorn
- Chabot
- Cheney
- Cline
- Cloud
- Clyde
- Cole
- Comer
- Crawford
- Crenshaw
- Curtis
- Davis, Rodney
- DesJarlais
- Diaz-Balart
- Donalds
- Duncan
- Emmer
- Estes
- Fallon
- Feenstra
- Ferguson
- Fischbach
- Fitzgerald
- Foxx
- Franklin, C. Scott
- Fulcher
- Gaetz
- Gallagher
- Gibbs
- Gonzales, Tony
- Anthony Gonzalez
- Robert Good
- Lance Gooden
- Gosar
- Granger
- Garret Graves
- Sam Graves
- Mark Green
- Marjorie Greene
- Griffith
- Grothman
- Guest
- Guthrie
- Hagedorn
- Harris
- Harshbarger
- Hartzler
- Hern
- Herrell
- Jody Hice
- Clay Higgins
- Hill
- Hinson
- Hollingsworth
- Hudson
- Huizenga
- Issa
- Jackson
- Mike Johnson
- Bill Johnson
- Dusty Johnson
- Jordan
- David Joyce
- John Joyce
- Keller
- Trent Kelly
- Mike Kelly
- Kustoff
- LaHood
- LaMalfa
- Lamborn
- Latta
- LaTurner
- Lesko
- Long
- Loudermilk
- Lucas
- Luetkemeyer
- Mace
- Mann
- Massie
- Mast
- McCarthy
- McCaul
- McClain
- McClintock
- Meijer
- Meuser
- Mary Miller
- Carol Miller
- Moolenaar
- Mooney
- Barry Moore
- Blake Moore
- Mullin
- Gregory Murphy
- Nehls
- Norman
- Obernolte
- Owens
- Palazzo
- Palmer
- Pence
- Perry
- Pfluger
- Posey
- Reed
- Reschenthaler
- Tom Rice
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers
- Mike Rogers
- Rose
- Rosendale
- Rouzer
- Roy
- Rutherford
- Scalise
- Schweikert
- Scott, Austin
- Sessions
- Simpson
- Jason Smith
- Adrian Smith
- Smucker
- Spartz
- Steel
- Steil
- Steube
- Stewart
- Stivers
- Taylor
- Glenn Thompson
- Tiffany
- Timmons
- Turner
- Van Duyne
- Wagner
- Walberg
- Walorski
- Waltz
- Randy Weber
- Daniel Webster
- Wenstrup
- Westerman
- Roger Williams
- Wittman
- Womack
- Zeldin
YES: 47
- John Barrasso
- Marsha Blackburn
- Roy Blunt
- John Boozman
- Mike Braun
- Richard Burr
- Shelley Capito
- Bill Cassidy
- Susan Collins
- John Cornyn
- Tom Cotton
- Kevin Cramer
- Mike Crapo
- Ted Cruz
- Steve Daines
- Joni Ernst
- Deb Fischer
- Lindsey Graham
- Charles Grassley
- Bill Hagerty
- Josh Hawley
- John Hoeven
- Jim Inhofe
- Ron Johnson
- John Kennedy
- James Lankford
- Mike Lee
- Cynthia Lummis
- Roger Marshall
- Mitch McConnell
- Lisa Murkowski
- Rand Paul
- Rob Portman
- James Risch
- Mitt Romney
- Mike Rounds
- Marco Rubio
- Rick Scott
- Tim Scott
- Richard Shelby
- Dan Sullivan
- John Thune
- Thomas Tillis
- Patrick Toomey
- Tommy Tuberville
- Roger Wicker
- Todd Young
NO: 50
- Tammy Baldwin
- Michael Bennet
- Richard Blumenthal
- Cory Booker
- Sherrod Brown
- Maria Cantwell
- Ben Cardin
- Thomas Carper
- Bob Casey
- Christopher Coons
- Catherine Cortez Masto
- Tammy Duckworth
- Richard Durbin
- Dianne Feinstein
- Kirsten Gillibrand
- Maggie Hassan
- Martin Heinrich
- John Hickenlooper
- Mazie Hirono
- Timothy Kaine
- Mark Kelly
- Angus King
- Amy Klobuchar
- Patrick Leahy
- Ben Lujan
- Joseph Manchin
- Edward Markey
- Robert Menendez
- Jeff Merkley
- Christopher Murphy
- Patty Murray
- Jon Ossoff
- Alex Padilla
- Gary Peters
- John Reed
- Jacklyn Rosen
- Bernard Sanders
- Brian Schatz
- Charles Schumer
- Jeanne Shaheen
- Kyrsten Sinema
- Tina Smith
- Debbie Stabenow
- Jon Tester
- Chris Van Hollen
- Mark Warner
- Raphael Warnock
- Elizabeth Warren
- Sheldon Whitehouse
- Ron Wyden
YES: 90
- Tammy Baldwin
- Michael Bennet
- Marsha Blackburn
- Richard Blumenthal
- Roy Blunt
- Cory Booker
- John Boozman
- Mike Braun
- Sherrod Brown
- Richard Burr
- Maria Cantwell
- Shelley Capito
- Ben Cardin
- Thomas Carper
- Bob Casey
- Bill Cassidy
- Susan Collins
- Christopher Coons
- Catherine Cortez Masto
- Tom Cotton
- Kevin Cramer
- Mike Crapo
- Steve Daines
- Tammy Duckworth
- Richard Durbin
- Joni Ernst
- Dianne Feinstein
- Deb Fischer
- Kirsten Gillibrand
- Lindsey Graham
- Charles Grassley
- Bill Hagerty
- Maggie Hassan
- Josh Hawley
- Martin Heinrich
- John Hickenlooper
- Mazie Hirono
- John Hoeven
- Jim Inhofe
- Timothy Kaine
- Mark Kelly
- John Kennedy
- Angus King
- Amy Klobuchar
- James Lankford
- Patrick Leahy
- Mike Lee
- Ben Lujan
- Cynthia Lummis
- Joseph Manchin
- Edward Markey
- Roger Marshall
- Mitch McConnell
- Robert Menendez
- Jeff Merkley
- Lisa Murkowski
- Christopher Murphy
- Patty Murray
- Jon Ossoff
- Alex Padilla
- Gary Peters
- Rob Portman
- John Reed
- James Risch
- Mitt Romney
- Jacklyn Rosen
- Mike Rounds
- Marco Rubio
- Bernard Sanders
- Brian Schatz
- Charles Schumer
- Rick Scott
- Tim Scott
- Jeanne Shaheen
- Richard Shelby
- Kyrsten Sinema
- Tina Smith
- Debbie Stabenow
- Dan Sullivan
- Jon Tester
- John Thune
- Thomas Tillis
- Chris Van Hollen
- Mark Warner
- Raphael Warnock
- Elizabeth Warren
- Sheldon Whitehouse
- Roger Wicker
- Ron Wyden
- Todd Young
NO: 2
YES: 384
- Adams
- Aderholt
- Aguilar
- Allred
- Amodei
- Armstrong
- Auchincloss
- Axne
- Babin
- Bacon
- Baird
- Balderson
- Barr
- Barragán
- Bass
- Beatty
- Bentz
- Bera
- Bergman
- Beyer
- Stephanie Bice
- Bilirakis
- Sanford Bishop
- Blumenauer
- Blunt Rochester
- Bonamici
- Bost
- Bourdeaux
- Bowman
- Boyle, Brendan F.
- Brown
- Brownley
- Buchanan
- Buck
- Bucshon
- Burchett
- Burgess
- Bush
- Bustos
- Butterfield
- Calvert
- Carbajal
- Cárdenas
- Carl
- Carson
- Earl Carter
- John Carter
- Cartwright
- Case
- Casten
- Kathy Castor
- Joaquin Castro
- Chabot
- Cheney
- Chu
- Cicilline
- Katherine Clark
- Yvette Clarke
- Cleaver
- Cline
- Clyburn
- Cohen
- Cole
- Connolly
- Cooper
- Correa
- Costa
- Courtney
- Craig
- Crawford
- Crenshaw
- Crist
- Crow
- Cuellar
- Curtis
- Sharice Davids
- Davidson
- Davis, Danny K.
- Davis, Rodney
- Dean
- DeFazio
- DeGette
- DeLauro
- DelBene
- Delgado
- Demings
- DeSaulnier
- DesJarlais
- Deutch
- Diaz-Balart
- Dingell
- Doggett
- Doyle, Michael F.
- Dunn
- Emmer
- Escobar
- Eshoo
- Espaillat
- Evans
- Fallon
- Feenstra
- Fischbach
- Fitzgerald
- Fitzpatrick
- Fleischmann
- Fletcher
- Fortenberry
- Foster
- Frankel, Lois
- Franklin, C. Scott
- Fulcher
- Gallagher
- Gallego
- Garamendi
- Garbarino
- Mike Garcia
- Jesús GarcÃa
- Sylvia Garcia
- Gibbs
- Gimenez
- Gohmert
- Golden
- Gomez
- Gonzales, Tony
- Anthony Gonzalez
- Gonzalez, Vicente
- Gosar
- Gottheimer
- Granger
- Garret Graves
- Sam Graves
- Mark Green
- Al Green
- Griffith
- Grijalva
- Grothman
- Guest
- Guthrie
- Hagedorn
- Josh Harder
- Harris
- Harshbarger
- Hartzler
- Hayes
- Herrera Beutler
- Jody Hice
- Clay Higgins
- Brian Higgins
- Hill
- Himes
- Hinson
- Hollingsworth
- Horsford
- Houlahan
- Hoyer
- Hudson
- Huffman
- Huizenga
- Issa
- Jackson
- Jackson Lee
- Sara Jacobs
- Chris Jacobs
- Jayapal
- Jeffries
- Henry Johnson
- Mike Johnson
- Bill Johnson
- Dusty Johnson
- Eddie Johnson
- Jones
- David Joyce
- John Joyce
- Kahele
- Kaptur
- Katko
- Keating
- Keller
- Robin Kelly
- Trent Kelly
- Mike Kelly
- Khanna
- Kildee
- Kilmer
- Young Kim
- Andy Kim
- Kind
- Kinzinger
- Kirkpatrick
- Krishnamoorthi
- Kuster
- Kustoff
- LaHood
- LaMalfa
- Lamb
- Lamborn
- Langevin
- Rick Larsen
- John Larson
- Latta
- LaTurner
- Lawrence
- Al Lawson
- Barbara Lee
- Susie Lee
- Leger Fernandez
- Lesko
- Mike Levin
- Andy Levin
- Lieu
- Lofgren
- Long
- Lowenthal
- Lucas
- Luetkemeyer
- Luria
- Lynch
- Malinowski
- Malliotakis
- Maloney, Carolyn B.
- Maloney, Sean
- Manning
- Matsui
- McBath
- McCarthy
- McCaul
- McClain
- McCollum
- McEachin
- McGovern
- McHenry
- McKinley
- McNerney
- Meeks
- Meijer
- Meng
- Meuser
- Mfume
- Carol Miller
- Miller-Meeks
- Moolenaar
- Mooney
- Barry Moore
- Blake Moore
- Gwen Moore
- Morelle
- Moulton
- Mrvan
- Mullin
- Stephanie Murphy
- Gregory Murphy
- Nadler
- Napolitano
- Neal
- Neguse
- Nehls
- Newhouse
- Newman
- Norcross
- Nunes
- O'Halleran
- Obernolte
- Ocasio-Cortez
- Omar
- Owens
- Palazzo
- Pallone
- Palmer
- Panetta
- Pappas
- Pascrell
- Payne
- Pence
- Perlmutter
- Peters
- Phillips
- Pingree
- Pocan
- Porter
- Posey
- Pressley
- David Price
- Quigley
- Raskin
- Reed
- Reschenthaler
- Kathleen Rice
- Tom Rice
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers
- Mike Rogers
- Harold Rogers
- Rose
- Ross
- Rouzer
- Roybal-Allard
- Ruiz
- Ruppersberger
- Rush
- Rutherford
- Ryan
- Salazar
- Sánchez
- Sarbanes
- Scalise
- Scanlon
- Schakowsky
- Schiff
- Schneider
- Schrader
- Schrier
- Robert Scott
- Scott, Austin
- Scott, David
- Sessions
- Sewell
- Sherman
- Sherrill
- Simpson
- Sires
- Slotkin
- Jason Smith
- Adrian Smith
- Christopher Smith
- Adam Smith
- Smucker
- Soto
- Spanberger
- Spartz
- Speier
- Stanton
- Stauber
- Steel
- Stefanik
- Steil
- Stevens
- Stivers
- Strickland
- Suozzi
- Swalwell
- Takano
- Tenney
- Mike Thompson
- Bennie Thompson
- Glenn Thompson
- Timmons
- Titus
- Tlaib
- Tonko
- Norma Torres
- Ritchie Torres
- Trahan
- Trone
- Turner
- Underwood
- Upton
- Valadao
- Van Drew
- Van Duyne
- Vargas
- Veasey
- Vela
- Velázquez
- Wagner
- Walberg
- Walorski
- Waltz
- Wasserman Schultz
- Waters
- Watson Coleman
- Daniel Webster
- Welch
- Wenstrup
- Westerman
- Wexton
- Wild
- Nikema Williams
- Roger Williams
- Frederica Wilson
- Joe Wilson
- Wittman
- Womack
- Yarmuth
- Young
- Zeldin
NO: 38
- Allen
- Arrington
- Banks
- Biggs
- Dan Bishop
- Boebert
- Brooks
- Budd
- Cammack
- Cloud
- Clyde
- Comer
- Donalds
- Estes
- Ferguson
- Foxx
- Gaetz
- Robert Good
- Lance Gooden
- Hern
- Herrell
- Jordan
- Mace
- Mann
- Massie
- Mast
- McClintock
- Mary Miller
- Norman
- Perry
- Pfluger
- Rosendale
- Roy
- Schweikert
- Steube
- Stewart
- Taylor
- Randy Weber
- Apr 14, 2021 | House
- Presented to President.
- Signed by President.
- Became Public Law No: 117-7.
- Apr 13, 2021 | House
- Mr. Yarmuth moved that the House suspend the rules and concur in the Senate amendment. (consideration: CR H1729-1733)
- DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on the motion to suspend the rules and concur in the Senate amendment to H.R. 1868.
- Resolving differences -- House actions: On motion that the House suspend the rules and agree to the Senate amendment Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 384 - 38 (Roll no. 98).(text: CR H1729-1730)
- On motion that the House suspend the rules and agree to the Senate amendment Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 384 - 38 (Roll no. 98). (text: CR H1729-1730)
- Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
- Mar 26, 2021 | Senate
- Message on Senate action sent to the House.
- Mar 25, 2021 | Senate
- Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 31.
- Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S1800-1804)
- Passed/agreed to in Senate: Passed Senate, having achieved 60 votes in the affirmative, with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 90 - 2. Record Vote Number: 142.(text of amendment in the nature of a substitute: CR S1801-1802)
- Passed Senate, having achieved 60 votes in the affirmative, with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 90 - 2. Record Vote Number: 142. (text of amendment in the nature of a substitute: CR S1801-1802)
- Mar 24, 2021 | Senate
- Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under Read the First Time.
- Mar 22, 2021 | Senate
- Received in the Senate.
- Mar 19, 2021 | House
- Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 233. (consideration: CR H1589-1601)
- Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 1620, H.R. 6, H.R. 1603, H.R. 1868 and H.J. Res. 17. The resolution provides for one hour of general debate on H.R. 1620, H.R. 6, H.R. 1603, H.R. 1868, and H.J.Res. 17. The resolution provides that H.Res. 232 is hereby adopted.
- DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on H.R. 1868.
- The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
- Mr. Smith (MO) moved to recommit to the Committee on the Budget. (text: CR H1598-1600)
- On motion to recommit Failed by the Yeas and Nays: 202 - 216 (Roll no. 95).
- Passed/agreed to in House: On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 246 - 175 (Roll no. 96).(text: CR H1589-1590)
- On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 246 - 175 (Roll no. 96). (text: CR H1589-1590)
- Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
- Mar 16, 2021 | House
- Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.
- Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 233 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 1620, H.R. 6, H.R. 1603, H.R. 1868 and H.J. Res. 17. The resolution provides for one hour of general debate on H.R. 1620, H.R. 6, H.R. 1603, H.R. 1868, and H.J.Res. 17. The resolution provides that H.Res. 232 is hereby adopted.
- Mar 12, 2021 | House
- Introduced in House
- Referred to the Committee on the Budget, and in addition to the Committees on Energy and Commerce, and Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
Bill Texts
- Public LawHTML
- Public LawPDF
- Introduced in HouseHTML
- Introduced in HousePDF
- Engrossed in HouseHTML
- Engrossed in HousePDF
- Placed on Calendar SenateHTML
- Placed on Calendar SenatePDF
- Engrossed Amendment SenateHTML
- Engrossed Amendment SenatePDF
- Enrolled BillHTML
- Enrolled BillPDF
- Senate Amendment SA 1411 by Sen. Scott, Rick (Amendment SA 1411 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 47 - 50. Record Vote Number: 141. ) -- To improve the bill.HTML
- Senate Amendment SA 1410 by Sen. Shaheen, Jeanne (Amendment SA 1410 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. ) -- In the nature of a substitute.HTML
- CBO Estimate: CBO’s Estimate of the Deficit Effects of H.R. 1868, an Act to Prevent Across-the-Board Direct Spending Cuts, and for Other Purposes 03/24/2021HTML
- CBO Estimate: CBO’s Estimate of the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Effects of H.R. 1868, an Act to Prevent Across-the-Board Direct Spending Cuts, and for Other Purposes 04/12/2021HTML